Thursday, 30 January 2014


One of the things you hear when developing software, especially in an agile environment, is ensure that you are delivering business value .

But what is business value?

Does your team understand “the value” that a piece of work will provide? I suspect not but here’s the dirty little secret in most companies neither do the business.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Journey into JavaScript

This post is long overdue since I decided to get to grips with JavaScript at the beginning of last year but generally due to being busy at work and learning JavaScript I never got around to actually blogging about it.

Step back in time…

So its January 2013 and the current work I’m doing has a lot of existing JavaScript (JS), its a mature codebase so the work is more maintenance and extension rather than creating from scratch, so well within my existing skillset, but with interest in JS increasing I figure it would be a good idea to look deeper into the language.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Moving into 2014

As per previous years I’m doing this as a retrospective on the previous year and trying to plan for the year to come

2013 goals

For 2013 I reduced the number of goals I had to give me a better chance of achieving them:

  • Make better use of personal time
  • Learn JavaScript
  • Investigate Software Craftsmanship
  • Code